9 thoughts on “Thought of the day…”

  1. Yes, No woman know what will happen when she become a mother. When God gift a baby to a woman then God also gives a power of parenting to her. That’s why a woman done it without any experience. 🙂

  2. OMG, I never have any idea how I will get it all done. Unfortunately, I never manage to get it all done. Oh well. Pen x #mg

  3. Oh yes. We somehow manage to get everything done, kicking and screaming. It’ll get done – I have a feeling or instinct when I know something will get done and something won’t. It’s never let me down! #blogstravaganza

  4. Oh I feel you! I’m struggling in the last part of this pregnancy to get things done. When I have the energy to do things after about ten minutes Im exhausted and need to rest… then a few hours later its like groundhog day…. Eurgh! #blogstravaganza

    1. Aahh poor you, it is so exhausting through pregnancy. Then it goes crazy but the little one is then so worth it:) x

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