5 Reasons I Believe In Fairies…..

  1. Waking up in the morning when there is sunshine shining through the window and my little boy is stood smiling at me.
  2. The toast doesn’t always fall butter side down.
  3. When I’ve gone for a walk really early, the fairy door under the tree is sometimes left ajar.
  4. I’ve been assured that the broken window in the shed was certainly not caused by the football.
  5. Because fairy dust has to come from somewhere!


App Review

We are hoping to bring you our latest review soon, it’s one of the coolest word picture apps we’ve seen. 

I have contacted the designer to see what they thought about our little blog discussing their work. Normally we think people would be pleased to have their items reviewed and I’m hoping this will be the same. I think it’s nice to ask.

Some kind of sixth sense made me email them, here’s hoping it’s the start of a good working relationship. 

Here at fairy HQ we don’t review for payment, we’re independent and honest little fairies.

Keep your eyes peeled and we’ll keep checking the emails.


Fairy Lanterns Review

We came across this gorgeous tutorial by Nichola Battilana. She makes these lanterns like we’ve never seen before. With clear instructions we can’t think of a nicer step by step guide to be creative for an afternoon.

Nichola does have a point when she says to not copy these for commercial use, its not permitted but she does encourage people to make them for friends and family.

Be inspired and then be unique!

Check out her blog at http://blog.pixiehill.com/ we found some really cute ideas there.

Remember, we don’t advertise or affiliate and our reviews are independent, if we love or loath we let you know:)

Welcome!! We’re live today

Thank you so much for joining us on our launch day. We are so excited at myrealfairy.com that this day has finally arrived. From the initial thought quite a few years ago about a way to connect with people through a slightly different way than normal, to now, having this blog ready to share is a dream come true.

Please enjoy the site, participate, if you wish and most of all relax, look around and we hope you like what you see….