Blogger Recognition Award …Let’s Party!

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Wow, there are whoops of joy coming from the myrealfairy household this week. I am chuffed to bits to be nominated for the blogger recognition award by the lovely Jaki over at The wonderful thing about this award is that it’s by a fellow blogger. To be rewarded by people who know what it’s like to be hunkered over a laptop trying to make sense out of the words we want to write is a real honour.

This award is also going to let you know a little more about me if you haven’t come across my blog before. Or, if you have then lovely to see you again and enjoy the post:)

So… here are the rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to. (if 15 is pushing it a bit for you then do 10;)
  6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.


It stated at the beginning of 2016. I wanted to have a creative outlet that was something completely different from my full-time day job and that wasn’t totally focused on the children. Something I could be in control of and didn’t answer me back!

My idea was to have a blog which incorporated a fairy, folklore, mystical, practical, lifestyle, parenting and reviews theme! Seems a bit much and really because I had never done anything like this before it was all far too jumbled at the start. I was trying too hard. Nevertheless it was an idea and little by little I made it happen and started creating my blog.

I even did two posts during those first few months called Tales of a newbie blogger 1 and Tales of a newbie blogger 2 – the logo trials to chart my progress a little. I love looking back at those posts now and seeing what I was facing at that time and relate it to how far I have moved forward. The blog is very different now and I have found my feet and the areas that I enjoy writing about. It’s far more in the lifestyle/parenting bracket.


  1. Buy the biggest notebook you can and keep it safe! I have never taken so many notes in my life. Especially when you are first starting your blog and thinking about hosting, web domains, themes and all the bloggy techi stuff that you suddenly have in front of you. It can all become a bit overwhelming and I found it easiest to make brief little notes on different subject headings so that I didn’t forget. Then, when I had a moment I would flick through them and it helps all of this new information to settle in.
  2. Don’t break the bank starting your blog. There are a few expenses that you have to pay out for like your hosting package and buying your domain name. However, there are loads and loads of freebies going forward. Lots of free plug-ins and themes, scheduling apps and all sorts. It can be done very cheaply and for me that is important because I then don’t have to worry about money, I can enjoy it for the really exciting and creative outlet that it is for me.

My overall comment to make would be to have fun with it and enjoy how it makes you feel.

I’ve looked at the idea of adding nominations a bit differently and included blogs and twitter folks who are a mixture of people who are new to me, people who I have seen – loved their work but not made contact with and those that I regularly visit online. Please pop over to their twitter site and onto their blogs too to say hi.
















I have put twitter handles here and will tweet you all in as it may take me into the early hours commenting on each blog. Hope you enjoy it:)

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If you have enjoyed this post and my blog, please vote for me in the BiBs 2017 Bloggers Awards in the categories:

Fresh Voice

Family & Lifestyle

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Details you will need are…….

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Twitter: @myrealfairy




35 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award …Let’s Party!”

    1. Thank you ? I think it will, your blog is great:) Mainy x

  1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the shout out but also love this post and your advice (I have far too many notebooks, one huge one would have been much better 😉 ).

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments. Your post is brill! 🙂 Mainy

  2. I really like your blogging advice about not spending too much at the outset! I think it’s so easy to get carried away. I tend to take notes on my phone rather than in an actual notebook but taking notes is definitely a big part of it too. Well done being nominated. It’s nice when other bloggers see your worth! Thanks for linking to #EatSleepBlogRT. Hope you join again next time.

  3. Mainy, I love your blog and loved reading this. These are great tips for anyone just starting out (I’ve been nominated twice so I really need to get a move on with my post! #kcacols

  4. Congrats on your nomination! Great to hear your advice to new bloggers as I just started at the end of January this year so it’s all very new to me and there’s so much to take in! #brillblogposts

    1. It’s such a great creative outlet, enjoy it:) Mainy

  5. Great advice, it’s so easy to get bogged down with blog when you first start. Just writting to find your voice is the way forward, I cringe at my earlier posts but it’s part of my blog so I keep them… ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬

    1. Yes it’s all a journey and bitter sweet sometimes to look back on:)

  6. Great tips, thank you for sharing, lovely to read about how you started blogging as I’m very new to all this 🙂 #KCACOLS

  7. Hi Mainy – I’ve been reading your blog since Christmas, and it’s lovely to find out a bit more about how it all started for you. It does take a bit to find your feet, doesn’t it? I started in September 2016 and feel like that’s just starting to happen for me. You’re SO right about the notebook! I currently have two. I nearly ran out of space on one but have all these notes and work I need to get back to. So that’s get carried with the laptop too. And the mouse. And the phone. And that’s my blog. I can grab it with my arm 🙂 Amazing, right? Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope to see you next time!

    1. Oh thank you, glad you like it;) I’ll be popping along to yours later x

    1. They are my second memory, I’d be lost without my notes x

  8. I definitely agree with the notebook thing! That techie stuff was definitely overwhelming and my book of notes was massive!! #KCACOLS

    1. Thank you for nominating me. I hope to get started soon with my own nominations after the next few really busy days. This is just the impetus I need to motivate me to post again. I’ve been bit unmotivated lately. Thank you again.

      1. I’m so pleased you are happy, I can’t wait to see your post x

    2. Oh it is! It’s a whole other world starting a blog.

  9. Oh, why thank you! It’s always so lovely to be nominated for these sorts of things! It can be a daunting world in the blogosphere, so it’s always a wonderful feeling to know that you’re being “seen” either on social media or on your blog by others. I really appreciate the nomination 🙂 Great advice too! I’ve not poured money into my blog yet as it’s still early days!
    Becky x

    1. Yes it’s nice to know that we are not in our own out there:) glad you are pleased with your nomination xx

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