So, it’s morning, even though it feels like the middle of the night because surely you have only had a nano second of sleep and the bloomin alarm is shrieking at the top of its voice that you should wake up. If you are anything like me then now is the time that the skill of juggling really comes into its own. Breakfast for the family, just a cuppa for me, after all it’s still the middle of the night in my head *note to self to be a good role model and eat well* it’s on my to-do list!
So before I get side tracked then – here are my top 5 things to help the school run go better!!
The key is, to start from the beginning……
1. Change the ring-tone of your alarm! For years I had the cutest sound of my boys saying for me to wake up, I couldn’t bear to take it off for ages but as the years wore on it was so loud and high-pitched that it wasn’t waking me up the right way. So I’ve saved it to be used for other things and now gone onto a lovely gently undulating tone that lets me wake up in a more gentle way as opposed to heart thumping shock to the system! Try it, even if it’s just for a week.
2. Breakfast, aside from the fact that I am a hypocrite and can’t stomach breakfast in the morning, make sure that the kids have it and digest it properly. In our house that would mean, trying to control their urges to practice dance, gym, football, karate moves while spooning in shreddies to their mouths, jumpers, hamsters and the floor.
3. Teeth! You might have got this one sorted. I have 50% success here, one boy is glued to the bathroom doing his hair, pearly white smile and generally grooming to perfection his appearance while the other one is, well lets just say…not quite there yet. You would have seen from one of my previous posts about motherhood that I have a little trick up my sleeve for how we are currently making sure his teeth are getting cleaned.
4. Everything has been lined up the night before, so we have; uniform, school bag, shoes, coat, drink and whichever activity they have (that they’ve told you about!) The 5 P’s are in operation here; Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. I’ll leave the 6th one out, after all it’s a family blog:0
5. Then it’s in the car with a double and triple check, a final grilling of have they got everything and off to school we go. 9 times out of ten this can work, on the odd occasion for us then this will be the point that one of them tells me that it’s World Book, Children in Need, day of the peach, environment, woman, man or child day! It’s at those times when I have to whistle a happy tune, turn the radio up and think happy thoughts!
How do your days go first thing in the morning? Have you got it sussed? Have you got any tips to share?
Let see if we are alone in the dreaded prep for the school run. Tweet to share.Click To Tweet
You’re welcome x
It doesn’t get easier as they get older and you have to get them out for the school bus on time as it doesn’t wait for them! #globalblogging It is one of my worst chores!
Luckily Misery Guts does the morning run and I do afternoon – I couldn’t cope with both!! #bestandworst
Very well done. Planning is essential. I wish I had read this lots of years ago.
Blogger’s Pit Stop
I’m a nightmare if I’m honest. Some days I think I’m nailing this ‘Mum’ business and then other days, usually when I’m running around like a headless chicken screeching ‘Where are your SHOES?!’, I catch a glimpse of myself and give myself a stern telling off for not being organised enough. I need to up my game by September when it’s actually imperative that he gets to school on time! Thanks so much for linking up to #TriumphantTales
Our school runs are pretty smooth. I like to have the uniform ready from Sunday, but it really depends on my toddler who often saves a poo to just as we’re about to leave – groan. Fab tips. Yvadney x #TheList
Omg I have one that does that too! Thanks for your comments x
I try and get as much as possible sorted the night before, to make our mornings a bit calmer. But what is it with children wanting to run around and do karate kicks while eating breakfast?! My son is just like that! x #TheList
This is great, I have all this to look forward to soon! Great tips on getting as much as possible ready the night before #TheLinkyList
haha I have all this to come…well 2 days a week. Hubby will be doing the rest. think I will have to sort out the bags and clothes though!! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
Thanks! My OH did it today and it was such a relief! I almost chuckled to myself as I waved them all off! Mainy x
We dont have a school run yet but we have a get to work run.. me and hubby trying to get out the door before my bus arrives (im always late) and getting ben ready to go to his nans for the day. To be honest most of the prep work is done the night before ie lunch for me, Ben’s bag of toys and nappies and luckily the MIL changes and feeds Ben when he gets there so we just change his nappy saving us so much time!
However Monday mornings includes a bag of clothes, food, nappies, wipes, drinks, snacks etc for the week so monday is our stressy day!
Thank you so much for linking up to #TriumphantTales
And thank you for hosting:) You’re right about it not being just school, its probably more about just leaving the house! Gone are the days of grabbing a purse and running out of the front door alone!:) Mainy x
I’d love to wake up to the sound of my alarm, but it’s been replaced by the the sound of my 4 year old son demanding his breakfast at very high volume! Great tips, especially lining everything up the night before – that works wonders! #brilliantblogpost
lol I’d forgotten about the mornings when the kids beat the alarm!:) #selectivememory:) x
We’ve got a pretty good routine nailed. There is the odd day where we’re hoofing it out of the door and chasing our tails though. And oh it’s sooo nice not to have to rush around at the weekends. I don’t mind the school run at all but I do relish the lazier starts!
I’m loving these tips and I’m bookmarking this page! My little on starts school in September and I’ll need all the help I can get! #TriumphantTales
Thanks! You’ll rock it:)
Fab tips! Totally agree with the preparation, if is not done the night before then it will no doubt get forgotten! #BloggerClubUK
I have to change my alarm sound every so often. I will end up sleeping through it. Also when I use an actual song, it ruins the song for me forever. haha #bestandworst
This couldn’t be any more relevant to my life today! My son starts preschool in August. I have decided starting today to get on a strict schedule and slowly work our way into getting up earlier and earlier so that we don’t get such a shock when Summer is over. LOL
Good idea and good luck entering the world of the school run:) x Mainy